
Healing:Living The Supernaturally Primed Lifestyle

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“I have found Amanda’s book an amazing source to challenge and encourage me to pray for people and leave the outcome to God! It builds my faith and encourages me to believe that nothing is too hard for God in my life and all others around me as I read about her journey with God and all the amazing things He has done because she dared to overcome fear and pray! It has ignited a new fire of passion in my life to allow the Lord to use me as He is using Amanda.”

Carol Schuman

“This is a very practical guide in how to minister to others the healing that the Lord desires to give His children. Clear instructions are presented on how to listen to the person we are ministering to, how to respond so they can receive healing, and how to administer prayer for their healing. God wants to touch those around us by bringing His healing and love to them. This is a biblical guide on how to be used by God in Healing and advancing His kingdom.

We also look at how to prepare the person we are praying for to receive and be sensitive to what is going on in their bodies. Here Amanda gives us a five-step prayer model that can be used in ministering healing. She also addresses asking the Lord about root causes for the illness that are causing blocks to the healing process. Our goal is to pray like Jesus prayed.”

Luanne Robertson

“My friend Amanda Hines is genuine in her love of God. Her bold and courageous Faith to step out and pray for people to be healed has touched and changed their lives. I am honored to endorse this work of her experience in hearing God, stepping out in faith, and seeing lives transformed.”

Anita Rankin

Founder & Sr Leader, Beyond The Basement Ministries Intl.

“A.G. Hines’ take on healing and having a close personal relationship with God is quite revealing. She reveals the love of God and His heart for you. She also shows how He wants you involved directly with other people through healing, and not just telling people about Him. She teaches us how to pray and reminds us to be patient when waiting for the answers to prayer. Hines brings a more theological view of life, reminding you of the short time you have on earth, the purpose of life itself, and the enjoyment you should have even during the hard times. I really felt like I was being spoken to as an individual; you owe it to yourself to read it.”

Isaac Fritz

High School Student


“I met Amanda while attending the church where she was serving as an intern. Her easygoing, light-hearted, and bubbly personality is such a blessing to be around. She is a well-spoken communicator that is independent and studious, which are great gifts in the body of Messiah. “I have seen her determination and drive to seek opportunities for ministry.”

Amanda is a loyal and very committed follower of Jesus, the Messiah. She is mature in ministry beyond her years, and it is an honor to share a few words about her.

This book reaches into the heart of Messiah and brings His wholeness into our world. It is Jesus the Messiah who first loved us and gave Himself for our wholeness. He gave the hungry, thirsty, sick and needy, the gift of instruction that would be their desired provision in life. His instruction to the weak and oppressed is still a message worth sharing.

Amanda brings us this same testimony along with the Messiah’s compassion. Faith will rise up to receive, when wisdom and instruction are made available through the Messiah and His gifts of healing.”


Chris Weber



Articles & Stories

Lamentations 3:21-23


The unfailing love of the LORD never ends!
By His mercies we have been kept from complete destruction. Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each day. I say to myself, “The LORD is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in Him

 This verse is so excellent! I love how the author after he focuses on the woo is me, he does a turn about. You know just like when your driving and you have to go through going around that turn about, but this time instead of going around and coming out the same side he started from he comes out the different side as he says, But… This I Call To Mind…He changed his atmosphere by going a different direction. Praise God.

 It is much more than that it is in him finding this Love Beyond Reason this love that doesn’t fail that is the reason for his turn about his changing of his atmosphere. Let me explain a bit more of why the ministry is called just that, “Loved Beyond Reason Ministries LLC”